Sunday, March 10, 2013

Some People...

 Everyone has those people in their lives that really don't think. Sometimes they are just "dumb blondes" (sorry to my blonde friends!), sometimes they are just having a bad day, sometimes they are doing too much and can't remember anything, and sometimes you truly worry for their future.

The "dumb blonde" category and the "bad day" category can also be combined with the "super busy" category and be renamed "people who are actually smart and say/do stupid stuff sometimes," in which case, we all will fall into it on occasion.

But the others...I truly worry about sometimes. Some people don't know what an iron or even a hair brush is, and so will never make a good first impression. Some people always think they are right, but they can't be right to save their lives. (These ones worry me greatly when they don't even have the grace to correct themselves when people point out that they are completely wrong and everyone knows it.) Some people blab all over Facebook about what grade they got on an exam...even if it sucks. Some people just want attention, no matter what kind. I really just wish all these people would think for 2 seconds before acting, speaking, posting, etc and think about what kind of an impression they are making - and how it could come back to bite them later. We all make mistakes, I've acknowledged that before, but some people are actually dumb.

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