Friday, February 22, 2013


I read books like some people watch TV. I always have. I don't know exactly what that says about me and I'm sure there are lots of psychologists out there who would love to tell me! But when I stumbled across this quote (thank you Pinterest!), it made me stop and think - because in this case, it equates reading with gaining knowledge and thinking for yourself.

If you read my last post, you will see the beginning of a train of thought that has become determination and motivation. I am a woman. I read a lot. And if you make me mad, threaten me or mine, or tell me that I can't - I am dangerous.

Sometimes these people (women and men alike), just need a kick-in-the-pants to get them going. Sometimes they need motivation. But whatever the trigger, there are plenty of people out there, like me, who, underneath, are not to be trifled with. For me, I think my friends can see that. Some of them, especially my sorority sisters, knew what I was capable of before I did. (My sorority sisters made me Vice President of Administration - in charge of officers, officer training, calendar planning, and accreditation - as a first semester sophomore.) I ran unopposed for Regent of my fraternity because the other people that I knew were thinking about running, figured that they would vote for me so they should run for something else.

I've found my motivation. It lies somewhere at the top of a very long year with lots of bumps along the way. It lies somewhere after rock bottom in your personal life. It lies somewhere after those you oversee start wandering away from the goal. It lies at the place between who you have been and who you will become. It lies at the place I am now - the place where healing happens, tests get aced, where you know that you have handled this before and you can do it again. It comes when you not only think you are dangerous, but when you truly believe that you are.

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