Monday, February 4, 2013

Hot Mess

Story of my entire life.

It seems like no matter what you do, you are always taken by surprise. My life is funny in this way - I tend to run around like a chicken-with-my-head-cut-off pretty much all the time. One of my friends calls me a "Hot Mess." (And it makes sense that we are friends because she is something of  hot mess herself - although a different kind of one.

One thing I have found is that if you take everything in stride and one day at a time, you are more likely to succeed and with minimal stress. Tackle each battle as it comes and when it needs to be dealt with. Don't stress about the future too much and don't try to force anything.

I have found this to work in all areas of life as well - work-related, dating-related, everything. I've found that I'm a leader because I am organized to get everything done and calm enough to realize what needs to be done and can put out fires like a pro. I'm newly on the dating scene again and am realizing how much calmer life was when there were no real prospects at all! I am slowly coming to accept that sometimes I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing - and that maybe that is perfectly alright.

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