Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Head colds

So....I woke up yesterday morning...that's the beginning of a lie - I went to bed on Sunday night with the telltale beginnings of a nasty head cold. Luckily, so far this has turned into a regular head cold, not one of the nasty variety. Not that that really helps, it just means that I only sound a little sick, not massively-stay-away-from-me sick. Anyways, my roommate had some phenylephrine - aka Sudafed, so I took some of that before I went to class. Now, I am a pharmacy student and I try very hard not to take medications I don't need. But this, this stuff works. I had to go to bed last night, not because I was tired, but because I was so congested that I couldn't focus. I managed to get the entire way through class totally fine. Now, don't just take this, there are side effects involved and it can interact with certain medications, so make sure you ask your pharmacist before taking over-the-counter (or in this case behind-the-counter) medications. But one thing is for sure, there are very few cold medications that work for me, and this one does.

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