Monday, March 25, 2013


I just spent the last weekend with two of my best friends. We were competing in a national pharmacy compounding competition and got 3rd place in the compounding section! The teams that won overall, almost all had been at the competition for multiple years in a row, so beating these teams in the heaviest weighted section was so exciting! Our compounding professor looked as though she had never been more proud of her students.

The funny thing about this, is that all of us, at least once during this section, had thought we were going to cry (even though I was pretty positive that my teammates knew more about what they were doing than I did.) We had gone into this competition feeling prepared and were given a problem that was nothing along the lines of anything we had ever practiced....and succeeded beyond our belief in ourselves. We got to the point where we figured we would just throw shit together and cross our fingers - apparently we know more than we thought we did!

This just goes to show that you are almost always smarter than you think and the more you work hard and believe in yourself, the more you will succeed in life and in each adventure that you undertake. We signed up for the local competition to spend some time in the compounding lab, we had no idea that there was anything to win - and we ended up traveling to Florida to compete nationally for our school against 14 other schools, even beating out many of them! We were smarter and more capable than we thought and are determined to prove it next time!

Believe in yourself and your abilities and you can go places that you never dreamed possible.

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