Sunday, March 10, 2013


I have always been entirely too busy for my own good - and I like it that way. I get more done when I'm busier. I've turned in to an awful procrastinator when I'm not busy, so being busy keeps me focused and motivated to be my best.

I spent last year (an entire year! Go me!) being not busy. I didn't have any leadership positions, I had a super small job, and the biggest time commitment for me outside of school was the guy I was dating (which doesn't really count as a time commitment). It was glorious! I have never gotten so much sleep and had so much free time! After years of being constantly busy and running around like a chicken-with-my-head-cut-off, I finally had time to breathe. I believe that there are times in everyone's life where you need that, you need to do something different and focus entirely on you. It was a lovely year, and I know that at some point I will repeat the experience.

However, what I also found was that I am a happier, and better person when I am busy. I am more myself and feel like I have a lot more control over my life. I was asked on a first date a few weeks ago...and pulled out my planner. When telling this story to a friend of mine, she hung her head in embarrassment for me at this point in the story. But she was more embarrassed for me than I was! I'm not ashamed of being busy. Yes, I enjoyed being able to make plans and not be attached to my planner, but I'm more productive and generally happier when I am. Not to mention, the guy in question is now my boyfriend, so he must have thought it cute instead of embarrassing :P . But this guy is getting a crash course in my personality and so far likes the high-reaching, over-achieving girl that he found.

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