"It's what I do that defines me." - Batman
"You are what you eat, from your head to your feet!"
I'm even reading a 100 year-old book called 'As A Man Thinketh' where the whole point of the book is that a man is what he thinks - his thoughts define him.
I guess I've been thinking about this type of stuff a lot in the past few years, and maybe longer than that if I'm honest. "Who am I?" Is the age old question that ever person on this planet must eventually answer in order to be happy.
Change is good - it's necessary and healthy (even if maybe it hurts sometimes). And as long as you grow "into yourself" as they say, you are doing life right. But, as a friend of mine once told me, "That's OK as long as you don't change into someone that you don't want to be." And she was right. I knew she didn't have to worry, but at the time of the advice, I could see why she felt the need to give me this very wise advice.
You have some degree of control over how you change, just as you can control the thoughts that you think. To a point, life happens to you. But in order to truly live, you must play the game, you must act, you must learn to control and learn from the things that happen to you. When you can learn from every situation and truly grow from it, you are living well.
Learning is part of change. It drives positive change. And isn't positive change what we all are seeking?
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