Sunday, September 1, 2013


These are my dogs. I should clarify, they are my parent's dogs technically, and I love them dearly. But this blog is sort of about the benefits of not having a dog....sort of.

I am pet sitting this weekend - and I love dogs, so I am doing this quite happily, but it really puts a damper on your life. I mean, cats can more-or-less take care of themselves, but dogs need a lot of attention, they need to be fed on time, they need to be walked, and taken to the vet... I love dogs and I'm sure I will have one some day, but I am glad that today is not that day and that I can just go home and play with these two lovely goldens without the responsibility of taking care of them.

In this time of my life where my friends are starting to get pets, and get married, and the beginning of the babies stage is upon us - I have to say, that I am not ready for any of that. Some times I just eat roasted veggies....for a whole meal...and sometimes I eat a whole bag of popcorn for dinner. I'm still at a place where I enjoy my freedom and I don't want a pet (or God-forbid, a child) to take care of when there are days that I barely can take care of myself, I'm so busy.

Some day I will have the dogs and the kids and the husband, but for now, I will enjoy my freedom.

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