Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Star Trek

For those of you who are Star Trek fans like me and my family, I highly recommend the new movie. Just as many one-liners as the first one and just as exciting. I think overall I might have liked the first one better, but I was definitely not disappointed by this one. But that isn't really what I'm going to talk about - I just felt it was necessary to add a review into this post if I was going to use the ad as the photo.

What I really wanted to talk about was the dedication at the end. Now, you have to get through all the main credits, and right before the list of everyone-who-did-any-minor-task-related-to-this-movie listing, there is a dedication to our post-9-11 veterans, thanking them for their service not only abroad, but also at home. Now, my disclaimer is that I happen to be dating one of those post-9-11 veterans and am personally related to other post-military personnel. That being said, I would have thought it a nice dedication regardless. The plot of the movie, actually begets that dedication through it's plot as well, and I thought it very appropriate. But anyways, I thought it a nice, very public way, of thanking a group of people who give so much and get very little thanks.

Military personnel are a prime example of a group of people who give years of their lives to protect the people of this country and get very little individual recognition for it. As a society, we thank them as a group, but as individuals, we don't. This got me thinking about the various groups of people who do so much and get very little recognition or are recognized more as a group: parents, teachers, health care workers, custodians, God-parents, grand-parents, volunteer leaders, committee members, etc.

I guess the point of this ramble is 1) to tell you that Star Trek is a very good movie, 2) inform you that Chris Pine is just as attractive as ever, 3) to remind you to take a second to find someone in your life that does more work than they get credit for and simply to thank them for what they do, and lastly, to formally thank all our military personnel, both past and present, for the time and service they give to the people of this country. We appreciate your efforts more than we let on, and more than we may even realize.

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