Saturday, April 27, 2013


20 seconds, that's all it takes. The amount of time to ask "why not?", realize that you don't have a good reason, and agree to do something that you never thought you would. Sometimes that can be the stupidest thing you've ever done, sometimes it can be the best. If it's the stupidest - learn from it; if it's the best - look at what you gained! Either way, you learned something about yourself that you didn't know before.

Sometimes event the quietest among us need to go a little crazy to find out who we are and where we stand. Sometimes the path to knowing yourself fully is through everything that no one else would ever expect of you. (But the good news is, you probably have at least one friend who is exactly like you and completely understands.)

I attract crazy friends, always have. I could never figure out quite why until I found this tiny little part inside of me that really wanted to be crazy like them. Now, I'm not as crazy as some of my friends and never will be, but they bring out that "why not?" side of me that has taught me so much and shown me what I am truly capable of - but has also shown me more of who I am and what makes me happy. So to my friends that are nuts - thank you. And to those who are relatively reserved - I get you. And if you decide to do something slightly out of your norm - I know why, and I'm so very proud of you. You only live once, so you might as well make it worth living.

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