Thursday, July 9, 2015

Preserving Fresh Basil

As promised, I have attempted to preserve basil! I found the idea for this on Pinterest and the link took me to where the whole recipe is told. Essentially, there is a lot of salt involved and it results in some infused olive oil (but that is the short version). I had looked into this because my mom  has so many basil plants that she is slowly killing us with fresh pesto. Now, I know that I should definitely NOT complain about fresh pesto, but seriously, there is too much of it in my life right now, and I don't even live at home.

I decided to try this myself partly because I'm curious and partly because I have about three basil plants that I've nurtured from seeds, and more importantly, have not killed. Now these three little plants are still so small that I am trying to see if harvesting some of the leaves will actually make them grow bigger! (I also was slightly impatient and really wanted a tiny harvest.) So forgive the very tiny basil leaves that are currently soaking in some olive oil in my fridge. If I remember, I will post an update about how well this works! It seems to me that it should work just fine...

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