Monday, January 28, 2013


Age-old prayer. I've thought this a lot lately, but it's not a new thought - just one that comes up repeatedly when you are at a crossroads in life. Those times when you can only move forward but you have no idea what forward means - all you know for certain is that going back is not an option.

Life would definitely be way easier if God would tell us more than just a general direction to move in. Specifics would definitely be nice :) . I find that a lot of the time I flander around until He actually has to kick me into moving and even then, all I know is that I'm actually moving again, but the direction is still somewhere in the mist.

Everything works out. As Dr Seuss said: "Everything will be alright in the end, if it's not alright, it's not the end." Now, my friends used to laugh and roll their eyes when I would quote this - mostly because I was quoting an overused Dr Seuss quote, not because it wasn't true. Sometimes it also wasn't really what they wanted to hear - they wanted things to be alright right now, not have to wait until later. I completely agree. But sometimes, while the end result is the ultimate goal, the process of getting there can change us - for better or for worse. When that change makes you a better, stronger person who is more comfortable in his/her own skin - then that change is definitely for the better.

So do what you have to do - cry, be sarcastic (which according to my sister and her psychology classes is really pent-up aggression), party and dance on tables, obnoxiously follow your friends around, read a book or watch a movie, go on a date with yourself...whatever it is - but don't forget to pray always and spend time looking at your life and, as hard and impossible as it may seem, find your road. Because God will show you everything in His timing. But His time is not our time nor are His ways our ways, so be patient and pray always.

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