I saw this quote today and it caught my attention because I agree. When it comes to being hurt - we torture ourselves: we Facebook creep on our ex's and think of the what-ifs and what-might-have-been's, we wish and hope that so-and-so will come to their senses and apologize, the list goes on. And I really don't know why we are masochistic like that, but we are. I suppose it is part if the healing process, but come on! At some point you just have to let it all go and move on! And when you get to that point, it's actually surprising at how tough it is. It's as though we have come to define ourselves by the past, and we hold on to the baggage that hurts us because we are afraid to re-define ourselves in our future. It's as though we are afraid that what is coming can never equal that which we are leaving. And that is obviously not true, because if you are that hurt, then things can only get better. Now of course, as I have said before, out past creates who we are - but it doesn't hold us back from change and who we can be, only specific things that we don't let go are capable of that.
So be courageous!! Be yourself! Because you will never know what is truly wonderful until you have let go of all the hurt - all of the past that holds you back from your potential. So go! Have the courage to let go of what has previously defined you, because only then can we find out what is truly wonderful.